
What’s Your Favourite Beatles Album?

Is this a poll? Heck yeah it is!

What’s your favourite Beatles album and why? Let me know in the comments section.

As I am trying to become a more proficient songwriter, I have looked back to the classics – The Beatles. More specifically, their older stuff as they were just starting out themselves. I can see the simplicity in some of their songs coupled with the fact that a simple song can still be an amazing one.

Onto the favourite Beatles album…I asked Sara and Krista this the other day and it’s interesting to see people’s responses. Sara replied with The White Album whereas Krista responded with With The Beatles…an interesting choice but she mentions how she constantly played this album that her Mom owned over and over again.

My favourite album would have to be Abbey Road. Right off the bat, I’ve realized that I enjoy the later Beatles than the older Beatles. I don’t know if ‘later’ Beatles accounts for anything considering I really enjoy anything from Rubber Soul onwards…I know that everyone fell in love with the band with the old songs which revolved around the concepts of love…but I enjoyed it when they started entering different territory.

Fast forward to their last recorded album, Abbey Road. I love it all. I am a sucker for medleys and that’s what really hits it home for me. I enjoy how the last half of the album have recurring themes of music and lyrics that intertwine once in awhile. Very smart on their end. Then you have the instant classics like Come Together, Here Comes the Sun (!!!), Something, She’s So Heavy….what a haunting guitar riff. I can’t get enough of The End and listening to everyone’s guitar (and drum!) solo. Do yourself a favour and put this album on for a listen right now if you can and see what I mean.

There you have it. My favourite Beatles album. Are there certain albums that I haven’t given a fair judgement? Sure. I really haven’t listened a whole lot to their older albums like Please Please Me. The White Album is still this hodgepodge of music for me. It’s an incredible album but I find it’s sometimes hard to get into. It’s almost like a compilation of tunes rather than a flow of an album. I shouldn’t pass too much judgement on The White Album yet. Give me another year to really get into it.

So…what’s yer fave?

6 replies on “What’s Your Favourite Beatles Album?”

In my opinion the best Beatles album would have to be REVOLVER. It is loaded with hits that are thought provoking. On this album they shed the bubble gum love songs and came up with some great lyrics and medleys. John Lennon’s annoyance at being woken up was turned into creativity in the form of “I’m Only Sleeping”. George Harrison’s conrtibution “Good Day Sunshine” is an uplifting tune, while his song “Taxman” was written in response to the high amount of taxes that entertainers had to pay the government in England. “Eleanor Rigby” has lyrics that are woven into a great story with an even better medley. McCartney’s “Here There and Everywhere” is a truly under-rated love song….and not to be outdone, Ringo had his token song in the popular Yellow Submarine.

In my mind a masterpiece.

Mine is Abbey Road as well. I just think there’s a mix of very good songs on this album. I really like the song «Here comes the sun» on it. (not a lot of lyrics, but very positive and peacefull vibe!)

Oh gawd, how to decide? My first thought would have been the white album for sure, so eclectic. But then I read the descriptions of Abbey Road and Revolver, and I have to say that some of my favourite songs are on those ones. But still, for total album enjoyableness, you can’t beat the white album.

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