
Who wants to make a movie with me?

“There is no director attached to the project, nor have any cast members been announced. The sequel has already earned over $60 million in two weeks and cost only $4 million to make.” – Dark Horizons regarding Saw III

Holy crap. We need James in here stat to do some calculations as to what % increase that is.

If I were to create something, I would be happy with doubling my money. This is crazy. I don’t usually follow how much movies cost vs. how much they make.

Just goes to show that if you have a good concept that is cheap (Saw…takes place in virtually one room. Maybe a few scenes here and there) it will pay off in spades.

Emphasis on good concept and not some unoriginal piece of junk like National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation 2.

5 replies on “Who wants to make a movie with me?”

O yeah. In answer to your question, that’s a 1,400 % increase over a two week period.

That’s what the accounting textbooks call a sick net gain, my friend.

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