Matt comments in my Radiohead post: “Also, If anyone can find a place to purchase a DRM free download of Jen Militia’s “Berlin boot camp” please let me know. Otherwise I am going to have to buy a CD that I am only going to use to rip the music.”
This brings up the reason why I like to buy CDs instead of downloading music.
I have this fear that one day, my diligent backing up of my hard drives will fall to the wayside and I shall suffer a catastrophic event – both my hard drive AND my iPod will bite the dust on the same day. Therefore, I will need to go back and digitize my CDs.
Let’s be honest here…rarely do I pull out an album and look at the artwork anymore. It’s like Matt says – it’s just used to rip the music.
I like to think of it as my backup copy in case something goes wrong. Although, if I do end up starting to buy digital music (hey, they are starting to remove DRM! Awesome!), I’ll have to be diligent in making a backup.
Oh yeah, and if anyone can help Matt out with his search, let him know.
8 replies on “Why I Buy Actual CDs”
if you are that worried about lost hard drives why don’t you build yourself a system that uses RAID in case of a hard drive failure, you could recover the information quicker and would save you all that re-ripping of the original CDs?
That’s true.
But I just realized the other point. I’m old school at heart. I like the thrill of picking up a new CD from the store.
that isn’t the point. I understand buying the CDs, but the sheer volume of them will take you many days just to get them back into a computer. a raid system will protect your data and only take a few hours to restore.
Raid should require minutes to restore, as you have not really lost any data, just a copy of it.
Raid can be a tricky business, they can be very flaky if you have accidental power loss during i/o operation, and actually be worse off than w/o the raid. (I have a crazy work story to attest to that)
If your iPod holds all your music, and your computer also holds all your music, then your safe, (DRM music aside) provided you don’t break them both at the same time. (That is so unlikely, I consider it impossible)
Oh yea, Vero I strongly suggest not reading the above.
I don’t think you can handle it.
ah, yes the I pod! since you link very offten to your PC you should be fine!
Is your mellon hurting when you read all this technobable Vero?
2 hours , 20 min till offer expires! see my blog for details.
Joe made an offer for a used sex change operation. We shall be calling him Joelle from now on.
ha ha hardy har har! Just to let you know it was an offer on a house and it was accepted, you can go to my blog and look at the place!