
Winding Down

It’s 5PM and I’m sitting outside our hotel room in Christchurch NZ soaking in the sun that somehow peeked out for the first time in days. Vero is taking a nap and I am reading Neil Young’s book Waging Heavy Peace with a Monteiths Summer Ale by my side.

Life is fabulous but like any road warrior, I am growing tired of the road. I think the fourth week has always been my breaking point so if I ever had to travel for longer, I would slot in the fourth week as pure zombie time…where I can relax instead of traipse around a city.

Of course everyone reading this is thinking “What a whiner! First world problems!”

The trip has been fabulous but I am also looking forward to the flight home on Friday.

Also…in what life is it fair that I will go through TWO daylight savings times this Autumn?! One in Wellington and another when we get back home. I will make sure I don’t have to wake up at six o’clock for the second one!