
Woe is The Weather

Oh, slumber, how nice are thee,
When the pillow under mine head hits me.
But alas, no sleep is to be had,
As that noise outside the window is bad.
Some may like the sight
Of snow being removed during the night.
Upon morning’s wake you will find
You can walk to your car and not fall on your behind.
But sadly one has to be in pain
When they are trying to refrain
From screaming at the stupid beeping from the snow plough
And always wondering how
They will make it through the day without a peep
Without more than a minute’s sleep…

6 replies on “Woe is The Weather”

Ryan, Ryan, don’t be cryin’,
The snow is neither friend nor foe.
Should you wish for summer too soon, none of the flowers will really bloom.
So, take out your shovel and stuff your pants,
Suck it up, Buttercup and quit your rants.

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