

The flight to Vancouver was decent. We have decided to see if going on our honeymoon can get us any perks. Success on the first flight where we got upgraded to seats with more legroom!

When I heard this, I asked if we still had video screens in front of us. I imagined an aisle in front of my legs where I could stretch.

Turns out that the difference between legroom seats and no legroom seats seems to be about an inch or two! Ha ha.

I ended up watching Star Trek Into Darkness and Iron Man 3. I was looking forward to seeing both but I have to say that Star Trek was quite underwhelming. I just felt like there wasn’t much going for it. I really liked the lead up but then the ending just fell flat for me. Could it be because my legs were cramping up! I think not considering trek fans recently voted this as the worst in the series! Iron Man 3 did not disappoint and I would say it was better than the second film.

A three hour layover in Vancouver is taxing considering we are trying to stay up as long as possible. I already took a nap on the plane and Vero is trying right now while waiting to board.

Next up, a seventeen hour flight to Sydney! Good Lord.