
Zellers Closing Sale – Gloucester

Vero and I stumbled up on a store closing sale for Zellers in Gloucester last night. Seeing that they were also selling some fixtures, I was intrigued at the thought that I could find a spin rack for comic books (my holy grail of items).

In the end, I did not find a spin rack, nor did I find an awesome mannequin to bring home, but we stocked up on some awesome finds…everything listed is at least 40% off…coat hangers, light bulbs, power bars, shirts, toques, mitts, bedsheets, board games, toys…you name it, they had it on sale!

We spent a good two hours scouring the place and it’s pretty amazing what comes across your mind when you see a 40% off sign in front of it! Who DOESN’T need stuff from the hardware section for 40% off?!

Go check it out for some good deals!