
Zeppelin Update

I have had a few requests on the status of the Led Zeppelin tickets and whether or not I purchased them.

In the end, even though I found a flight for $500 round trip (heck yeah! Zoom Airlines…who knew? Thanks to Katie and Lianna for both pointing out this airline to me), I figured the event would have cost me $1000 which is $1000 I don’t have to spend right now.

Anyhow, here’s an interesting point to the story. While it was impossible (or is it really?) to give your password to someone and let them buy tickets, someone was a genius, bought two tickets legitimately and sold his extra seat next to him for $12,000. So in hindsight, I should have picked up two tickets and sold the other one as “An Evening with the Palmer and Led Zeppelin.” Ah well, I guess I don’t have that much business sense!